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4 Tips To Find an Excellent Commercial Property Management Company

4 Tips To Find an Excellent Commercial Property Management Company

If you own commercial rental space, whether many units or just a few, one fact holds true; in order to maximize profits on every space, you’ll need a top property management company handling all the details.

Let’s be honest, it used to be that any old property management company was satisfactory. just so long as they took care of the leasing, made sure the rent was paid on time and arranged cleaning services when a tenant moved out.

But that was then, and this is now.

Today’s property management company is more of a partner, providing a wide variety of services and a much higher quality of customer service as well. The best management companies see your tenants as their own and treat them with the respect and dignity that they deserve, thus keeping tenants longer, reducing turnover and maximizing profits further.

So how do you find a property management company that meets and exceeds today’s standards? Keep reading and we’ll give you 4 tips on what to look for, what to avoid, and how to find an excellent commercial property management company for your commercial property.

Commercial Real Estate Property Management Company

Tip 1 -A Top Commercial Property Manager is Highly Responsive

When you send an email or make a call to your property management company, you shouldn’t have to wait for hours, or even minutes, to get the response and attention you deserve. This holds especially true in an emergency situation, including storms and power outages, where immediate communication is a must.

At TAFCO, we respond quickly to every inquiry, just as we’ve done for decades. Whether it’s a simple question about daily operations or an emergency situation with all hands on deck, you can count on us to keep the lines of communication open and your tenants and property safe and get things done ASAP.

Tip 2- A Top Commercial Property Manager is Proactive

Every property eventually starts to break down from wear and tear, it’s true, but an excellent commercial property management company takes steps to prevent that from happening as long as possible. Maintaining HVAC systems, applying fresh paint on a regular basis, and keeping the property clean of litter and debris isn’t the mark of a good company, it’ the mark of a great one.

A proactive commercial property management company keeps your investment working for you longer, keeps operating costs lower and makes sure that happy tenants stay longer too. The very best also invest in energy-saving initiatives that save your tenants money as well, a win-win situation for all.

Tip 3- A Top Commercial Property Manager is Knowledgeable

In today’s highly competitive marketplace you need a commercial property manager who not only understands the market but also the demands and your particular clientele. A key to superior service is a company that provides a suite of amenities that appeals to the widest range of tenants at any property, to increase satisfaction levels.

An intrinsic knowledge of what rental space will fit which new client is also a big plus, so that tenant satisfaction levels stay high over the long-term. At TAFCO, we’re your eyes and ears on the ground, so to speak, with the knowledge and experience to handle any and every situation, and guide tenants both new and established in the right direction.

Tip 4- A Top Commercial Property Manager is Friendly

Today’s world is stressful enough, I think that we can all agree. The last thing you need is a property management company that makes face-to-face interactions awkward or, dare we say, uncomfortable. Better is a management company that’s always welcoming, friendly and warm, to both you and your tenants. A company that you can refer to in a positive way because every encounter you have with them is, well, positive.

You want a commercial management company that your tenants rave about, rather than rant about, because there;’s enough stress already in the world. At TAFCO, you’ll work with people who care about your property, your business and your tenants, and always have a smile to share.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether your commercial space is retail, corporate, manufacturing, food service or a combination, the best way to maximize tenant satisfaction and profits is to put a highly competent, knowledgeable, friendly, responsive and proactive commercial property management company at the helm.

It just makes good business sense.


At TAFCO, we’re ready to take the helm. Contact us today to find out more, and schedule your complimentary consultation.