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Simple Office Moving Checklist for Moving During a Pandemic

Simple Office Moving Checklist for Moving During a Pandemic

The pandemic has changed the way we do a lot of different aspects of life and that includes moving. Because of various restrictions, simply trying to move everyone in an office on the same day may not be possible depending on the size of your company. We recommend creating an office moving checklist so that you can organize your move to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Below, we break down some of the key tips for how to effectively plan out your list.

Avoid Using a Moving Company if Possible

This isn’t because we don’t think moving companies aren’t valuable but minimizing contact with others is essential right now. Try to plan around a small group of people in your office that already are in each other’s bubble and plan for that group to handle as much of the move as possible so that few additional people are also getting exposed.

Plan Out the Number of People That Are Absolutely Necessary and Find Ways to Maintain Social Distancing

Moving often requires heavy lifting which also means heavy breathing. Because of this, find ways to have no more than two people in a room at a time and potentially plan out one-way aisles to maintain as much social distancing as possible.

Hand sanitizer and mask station in office

Set Up the Proper Sanitary Procedures Ahead of Time

Obviously, a lot is being handled during a move so it’s important to be sanitary when handling items, especially gear and equipment that’s used often. We recommend setting up hand sanitizer stations at key locations like at drop-off points and near the door to both your old and new location. Making sure everyone has a mask and handing out gloves are also a good idea to use when handling supplies and equipment.

Communicate Your Move to Any Nearby Businesses

Both end on a good note with your old neighbours and start on a good one with your new ones by letting them know when you’ll be moving out/in. They may want to work from home on those days or find ways to minimize noise during that time.

Find Ways to Donate What You Can’t Use

This is the season of giving after all, so plan out what items you can safely donate to your local food bank, or even Value Village when it comes to furniture or office supplies in good condition.

Following all the above tips you’ll be able to create a comprehensive office moving checklist that will keep people as safe as possible and efficiently make the move to your new office.



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